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Frequently asked questions

Paid with GoCardless? Read our FAQ for customers

Got a question? Raise a ticket with our Support team

Signing up

What do I need to sign up?

We will need some personal details to help us verify your identity and some basic information on the company or organization for which you are collecting.

How do I test out the product?

After signing up online, we recommend trying to take a test payment from yourself. It usually takes less than 5 minutes and is completely risk-free.Or, you can sign up for a Sandbox account first. You'll get access to our API and dashboard, so you can try the GoCardless service and test your integration.

Can I sign up if I’m not a registered company?

Yes - GoCardless is available to charities, registered companies and individuals.If you’re a company but you are not registered, you should sign up as an individual. This will not affect the operation of your account.

What do I do if I’m a developer?

Developers should sign up as normal. Our API documentation can be viewed here.

Are there any commitments?

No. There are no commitments on our Standard, Advanced or Pro plans. Signing up just means that you create an account from which you can try the product; you can stop using it without paying us anything whatsoever.

Got a question? Raise a ticket with our Support team